Debbi Voisey

Novella-in-Flash Course
Price: £150 for three modules, sent by email and done at your own pace and structured for YOUR project. More details below

After successfully finding publishers for two novellas-in-flash of my own, I am thrilled to bring this novella-in-flash course to you. All three modules will be sent to you at once, and you can work to your own schedule and pace.
You can contact me and enter discussion about your work at any time, and I will provide full feedback on anything you send to me. The aim is to use the exercises and prompts to build your project and send work to me regularly and as frequently as you like.
The price also includes a half hour Zoom or other video chat at the start to discuss your ideas, and a bespoke plan to bring out the best in your idea, which will be sent to you after the chat. At the end of the course we will have another Zoom session to close the project and discuss the next steps for your novella in flash – where to send it etc.
Although the course is “at own pace” there will be a 6 month “deadline date” for the last Zoom to wrap it up. Of course, the novella can be completed in much less time than 6 months, and it depends on your time schedule and how often you are able to devote time to it.
Please book by clicking on the button below. Once your payment is received I will send you an email giving further and full instructions, and we will set up a mutually agreeable date and time to have your first Zoom to start your project going. I will tweak the course where necessary at this point so you get a course that best fits your ideas and will give you the tools and prompts needed to bring your project to life.
I look forward to working with you.